Seasonal Pergola Décor Ideas: Transform Your Outdoor Space

Do you love the changing of the seasons? Here in Washington State, we are blessed to experience all four seasons – from the soft energy of spring to the hot beauty of summer and the beautiful colors of fall to the chill of winter. With these changes in the seasons, you have the opportunity to transform your outdoor space and reflect the various elements of each time of year. To guide you through your annual decoration planning, we want to share with you our top pergola décor ideas for each season. 

Seasonal Pergola Décor Ideas

pergola décor ideas by Patio Covers Unlimited NW

Spring Décor Ideas

After a long winter, we all want to embrace the beauty of nature and spend more time outside. Therefore, your pergola décor ideas should be centered around those spring concepts of renewal and rebirth. We recommend starting by giving your pergola a good bath and removing any debris left from winter. 

Next, it is time to plant. Whether you have planter boxes, pots, or gardens around your pergola, now is the time to sow seeds. We advise planting various plants that will come to fruition throughout spring, summer, and fall, but make sure to add some spring bloomers like tulips or daffodils to give that pop of color we have been craving after the dreary winter weather.  This is also the perfect time to start a vine trellis for your pergola, allowing flowering vines such as wisteria or honeysuckle to begin their growth journey. 

Lastly, you can decorate your pergola with spring themes décor, such as brightly colored pillows, a cute bird feeder, or whatever else tickles your spring fancy. 

Summer Décor Ideas

As one heads into summer, the hot weather can be a deterrent to spending time outside. Therefore, this is the perfect time of year to build shade into your pergola décor ideas. We recommend adding sweeping curtains or automated screens to your pergola to create that shade and get the added benefits of extra privacy. 

There is nothing quite like sitting outside on the cooler evenings to enjoy a gentle breeze and gaze at the stars. Adding a swing chair or elevated lounge area to your pergola structure creates the perfect spot for these moments. Plus, hanging some outdoor lanterns or string lights can create a magical ambiance with a functional component. 

Fall Décor Ideas

pergola décor fall idea by adding a fire pit Patio Covers Unlimited NW

As the weather cools and we head further into autumn, we can take advantage of all the season brings. Our favorite recommendation is adding a fire pit area to your pergola surrounded by cozy seating, soft blankets, and themed pillows. It creates the perfect atmosphere for families looking to roast marshmallows or friends wishing to chat with a cocktail in hand. Alternatively, you could add a projection screen as a way to create an outdoor movie space!

To enhance your pergola décor ideas even more, we recommend diving into holiday items. Whether you prefer the warm colors of autumn-themed décor like pumpkins or the spooky theme of Halloween, your pergola is easy and pleasant to decorate with these items! 

Winter Décor Ideas

Not even the chill of winter can keep us inside 100% of the time, which means that you must create an inviting outdoor space with your pergola that will beat the chill. We recommend using outdoor heaters to heat the air and set up a cozy area filled with blankets and pillows to create a nest-like space. 

Of course, to add a touch of magic, we must include some winter-themed decorations. Pinecones, holly, and holiday-themed decorations add a festive element, while winter evergreen plants keep the space colorful and vibrant. Plus, with the nights getting darker much faster, now is the perfect time to add outdoor lighting to your pergola and pathing if you haven’t already. 

Make it Your Own

While these seasonal pergola décor ideas can undoubtedly elevate your outdoor space, we want to remind you to make them your own. This is your space, your home, and your pergola – you want it to reflect your unique interests and pastimes. So, if you don’t resonate with one of these ideas, skip it and add something that works best for you!

DIY vs. Professional Décor Services

When it comes to implementing seasonal pergola décor ideas, there are some things that can be done DIY and others that could be handled by professionals. 

For example, DIY ideas can include planting seasonal flowers, shifting furniture, changing curtains, and switching out pillows. All of these are easy to complete on your own and allow you to add your own special flair to the space. 

On the other hand, anything that has to do with structural changes, electricity, or digging should be left to the professionals. Here is a list of what we recommend hiring for:

a beautiful pergola installed by Patio Covers Unlimited NW
  • Adding a trellis
  • Hanging lights or a screen
  • Digging a firepit
  • Adding curtain hooks
  • Building pergola swings
  • Implementing an elevated area or deck

Not only does this ensure the quality of the project, but it guarantees that it will be done safely, correctly, and efficiently.

Add Your Seasonal Pergola Elements with Help from Patio Covers Unlimited NW

Do one or more of these season pergola décor ideas resonate with you? Are you entranced with the ideas of a wisteria-covered trellis or the movie moment cuddles of a swing? At Patio Covered Unlimited NW, we are here to help you make your pergola design ideas a reality. 

Whether you are building a pergola from scratch or adding new elements to an existing one, we are here to guide you through the process. With our experienced crew, we can take your vision and implement it safely and efficiently to ensure that you get the most out of each season.  

Are you ready to make your pergola as unique as you are? Contact Patio Covers Unlimited NW today to transform your pergola with our expert seasonal decor services and enjoy your outdoor space all year round!

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