6 Tips to Make Your Pergola More Inviting

Whether a homeowner has a pre-existing pergola or is thinking of adding one to their landscaping design, there are unique ways to make the pergola more inviting without high costs or extensive labor. With these six tips to make a pergola more inviting, homeowners can create a charming space where family, friends, neighbors, and everyone living on the block will want to see and enjoy its design. 

6 Tips to Make a Pergola More Inviting

#1: Creating a Vine Trellis

There is a beautiful whimsy to a structure where vines creep up its height, and little flowers add pops of sweet color. Pergolas are the ideal structure to create this blend of nature and architecture. To make this charming display, we recommend adding a trellis to the columns of a pergola. 

To do this, one can add thin trellises to the existing structure of the column as an external layer. Alternatively, when building the pergola, there is the option to widen the leg of the column and replace the center of the widened post with trellis rails. Either method works to create the base structure of a trellis design. 

decorating a pergola

Once implemented, homeowners can begin to weave their vines into the trellis. Vines will naturally climb the framework, but by encouraging them to start at the base, work up the lattice, and even weave into the ceiling crossbeams, you get a full-bodied design. When the vines make it to the top, they get the added benefit of extra sunshine, and homeowners enjoy another layer of shade. To achieve those precious pops of colors, homeowners must choose a flowering vine. Some of our top favorites include morning glories, wisteria, and honeysuckle. 

#2: Set Up Twinkle Lights on the Cross Beams

It can be easy to forget how dark it gets at night, but that doesn’t mean that pergolas should be for daytime use only. However, using the light from the house can be wasteful, and the floodlights in the backyard can be far too bright. By setting up string lights in the overhead of the pergola, homeowners have access to warm lighting that creates a relaxing ambiance while still being functional. 

Depending on your pergola design, lights can either be wired into the ceiling upon installation or afterward as an add-on element. The benefit of adding lighting on installation is that it better hides the wires and outlets. However, there is a certain charm to exposed string lights added to a pre-existing structure. 

#3: Build a Pergola Swing 

When appropriately built, pergolas are strong structures that can support a surprising amount of weight. With a sturdy base structure, many homeowners choose to incorporate a swing of some sort. Whether it is a traditional porch swing, a children’s swing set, or a chic boho hammock, there is a wide array of possibilities. 

To attach these swings, one needs a sturdy suspension system that can be attached to the overhead trellis of the pergola. Then all that is left is swaying gently with a loved one, listening to the laughter of the kids playing, or taking a nap in peace. 

pergola decoration ideas

#4: Add Dramatic Sweeping Curtains

Adding curtains to a pergola design is an excellent method for increasing privacy, shade, aesthetics, and elegance. With overhead curtains, homeowners can choose to have them down or tie them up to a column when they want an open view. Alternatively, there is the option of utilizing rolling curtains, which are excellent if the pergola is quite large. 

Our favorite option is to use sheer curtains, as they create a romantic, dramatic aesthetic that allows some light to get through but still keeps subtle privacy. Add in some creeping vines, twinkle lights, and comfy furniture, and you have your own fairytale oasis. 

#5: Build on a Custom Deck

Most pergolas are built on a pre-designed slab of some sort to ensure a level structure, but they are often boring slabs of concrete or something thrown together at the last minute. If a homeowner has yet to build their pergola, we highly recommend designing a custom deck area that will add to the function and aesthetic of the pergola. 

Yes, it could undoubtedly be a simple slab of concrete. On the other hand, it could be a custom wood deck, stone pavers, multi-material hardscaping, a multi-tiered deck, and a handful of alternatives that one can custom design to fit their specific needs and wants. 

adding furniture to your pergola

#6: Create an Outdoor Living Space

While we’ve covered all the things builders can add to the pergola to give it extra flair, we’ve yet to mention what goes under the pergola. Pergolas are the perfect place to create an outdoor living space. Whether homeowners want to add an outdoor kitchen, living room, zen zone, play area, exercise spot, or even outdoor office, the possibilities are endless. With a proper design plan that incorporates functional and aesthetically pleasing furniture, appliances, lighting, and décor, one can essentially extend the square footage of their home. 

Create a Custom Pergola with Patio Covers Unlimited

Patio Covers Unlimited NW believes in providing our customers with premier materials, custom design options, and excellent service. Our pergolas come in various sizes, shapes, and finishes, along with the ability to adapt to any level of sun or shade. Made of high-quality, durable aluminum embossed with a wood grain texture, these pergolas are maintenance-free and dependable. 

Want to make your pergola more inviting by using one of the tips above? Just let us know, and we will incorporate your aesthetic dream into your design plan. To get an in-person quote for your potential project, please complete our contact form

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